วันจันทร์ที่ 2 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Understand Catfish aquarium fish export

All of the different catfish species are available in a purchase that contains no less than 37 different families. The 37th catfish family was really added to the order very recently - June 2005. The majority of the different catfish species are freshwater dwellers. Catfish have adapted to a wide range of different ecological niches you can find small catfish species as well as huge ones such as the Wells Catfish that may grow up to five meters (16 feet) long and the Giant Mekong Catfish that can weigh almost 300kg (661lbs). Both of these big catfish species are naturally not very suitable as aquarium fish, but there is a vast array of other species that you can keep even in a moderately sized aquarium. Catfish are extremely popular in aquariums and many species can be kept even by inexperienced aquarium keepers. A couple of typically the most popular Catfish among novice aquarium keepers are the Sucker mouth Catfish and also the Bristle nose Catfish .

One of the most distinguishing anatomical characteristics from the catfishes is the prominent barbells found near the mouth. A barbell is really a long, tactile organ that's very helpful for fishes that live in murky waters where the visibility is limited. The catfish will use its barbells when hunting and maneuvering in dark environments, as being a cat will uses its whiskers. The barbells of the catfish do however have taste buds and also the catfish can therefore "taste" its environment. You can find barbells on a number of other fishes in addition to the catfishes, including goat fish, a few carps and some sharks.

In addition to barbells, the various catfish species share another notable anatomical feature - they're scale less. Catfish all families but one are also designed with a hollow leading ray that may excrete a powerful protein to discourage or injure potential threats. Some species may even harm humans and must be handled very carefully. There is one catfish family where the species don't have any hollow leading ray. These species can not produce any stinging protein, and can instead protect themselves by sending out a very powerful electric shock. Due to this capability, the species are called Electric catfishes.

Another illustration of a fascinating catfish species is the "Vampire fish of Brazil". This catfish is popularly referred to as the "Vampire Fish of Brazil" because it will attach itself to the gills of other fishes and drink their blood. This fish is not extremely popular in Southern America because it sometimes attempts to attach itself to swimming humans, when attracted to blood or urine excretion. The body of this catfish is nearly transparent, which makes the fish quite hard to spot in the water. The fish can also be quite small, only 2.5-6 centimeters (1.0-2.4 inches) long.

photo by http://www.asiatropicalfish.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

aquarium fish supplies : How to Breed Fancy Guppies

How to Breed Fancy Guppies

Asking a fish tank owner how you can breed fancy guppies is like asking one how you can keep your fish wet. So long as you have a male and a female fancy guppy in your tank, breeding will take place. But, when the goal is to breed fancy guppies to obtain viable, attractive, or even show-quality guppy fry, the solution to the question becomes more complex.

Breed Guppies - Choosing Stock

The first step in any successful guppy breeding program is deciding on the male and female individual fish you need to breed. A lot of fancy guppies in a communal tank will breed indiscriminately and convey many different color and pattern variations as well as wild type gray guppies.

Choose fancy guppy parents that share color or pattern combinations that you want to duplicate. If only one has the specified style, breed that male with a blonde female. These females, which are pale yellow colored, have mostly recessive genes and also the offspring will often take the appearance from the male.

Breed Fancy Guppies - Create the Mood

These fish hardly need moonlight and roses to get in the mood for breeding, but aquarium setup can nonetheless be important. Male fancy guppies will chase female to the point of exhaustion. Provide hiding holes or dense natural plants to provide the female an opportunity to escape from her pursuor when she needs to. A small fish tank is fantastic for breeding only one set of fancy guppies.

Breed Fancy Guppies - Save the Fry

After mating the male ought to be removed from the breeding tank. Not just is he no longer needed, he'll harass the female fancy guppy still. This stress and exhaustion could cause re-absorption of eggs or perhaps an early drop before the baby fish are formed.

Fancy guppies gestate for approximately twenty-eight days, but could be on each side of this number. Watch the dark gravid spot on the female fish's abdomen.

One choice is to use a breeder box with separate sections for the mother fish and the fry she will drop. Many guppy enthusiasts think it is better to make use of a heavily planted birthing tank to reduce stress on the mother. Protecting the fry from the mother is important, as guppies will eat their very own young.

Caring for Guppy Fry

Following the guppy fry are dropped and the mother includes a opportunity to recover from her stressful ordeal, move the feminine guppy back to the city tank. The baby fish, or fry, ought to be cared for within the nursery tank or breeder box until they're large enough to become listed on the other fancy guppies in the main tank. This usually takes many months.

During this waiting period, most serious fancy guppy breeders will cull the fry for quality. Culling is essentially killing and getting rid of the guppy fry which have undesirable traits. It is an essential a part of fancy guppy breeding when quality stock is wanted.

by www.asiatropicalfish.com
We are no1. of ornamental fish exporter from Thailand.